Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Love... what a wicked game.

What happens when you fall in love with someone, who doesn't love you back? What are you suppose to do? Logical wisdom would suggest to move on. Move onto what, though? It's easy being on the outside looking in when saying that. It's easier to move on from someone when that passionate flame burns out. They say time heals all wounds. What if time has passed, but it's only glorified those wounds? That my friends would describe love. What a wicked game for them to play. To make you fall in love with them and to not feel the same.

No one is above or below love. Love can hit all of us and make everyone vulnerable. You can't beat it and you can't hide it. The more you try to fight it, the more it hurts. When you happen to fall in love, perception and reality can be two different views. Love should go like a fairy tale in your mind. You think since you feel it, everything will fit into its place. However, reality and love can be a hard thing to grasp. Sometimes that person just isn't in that same state of mind. That is a painful thing. It's easy to lose all confidence and hope within yourself. It makes you feel a lot of pain. Not only can it seem to be that you can't be with the one you love, but it makes you feel like something is wrong with you. However it may feel, it's probably not that way at all.  Falling in love isn't about being a great person. The most horrific, rotten, evil kinds of people in this world are capable of being loved. If the glove fits, then it must be a match.

Love stings everyone and can spread to everyone of us. You see a happy couple walking down the street. Or loving couples snuggling up next to one another in a movie . You think to yourself, they look like they're in love. They look so happy. They look like they don't have any problems in their lives. Why can't I have that? For every snuggle, hug, and kiss only tells half of the story. For everyone of those, there also was tears, anger, heartache, and especially pain involved as well. Where there is love, there will always be pain. When you're in love with someone who doesn't love you back, then it's just the pain to go through.

Committing to someone is the scariest emotional aspect for a person. Getting cheated on is painful. Dealing with a breakup is hard. Dealing with someone who you love, but who doesn't love you back? Forget about it! That tops them all. That is just wickedly cruel! It might not be cruel with intentions. It's totally and completely not the other persons faults. It's still wickedly cruel! They just don't understand, since they're not in love. They also can't control how they feel.

What doesn't kill you will make you stronger. I like those words. Those words should remind people that it's okay to get down. It's alright to feel a bit vulnerable and scared at times. Sometimes you'll get beat up a bit in life. It will really knock you down for a bit. That's okay, it can happen. Then one day, you're going to get up. You're going to get a bit meaner and tougher. You're going to give life a real butt kicking back. Then you'll tell tell yourself this. I might get knocked down, but I'll never get knocked out of the game. Keep your dignity and let these moments humble you as a person. They say scars are the road map to the soul. A lot of the pain and adversity you deal with in life, can help shape you into a better person. Pains and feeling weakness helps you grow into a stronger person,

Giving your love to someone shouldn't be looked as a bad thing. Rejection hurts and there's not one person who isn't capable of receiving it. What has happen can honestly happen to anyone. Just because someone isn't in love with you, doesn't mean they honestly think something is wrong with you.
It's hard trying to pull yourself from someone you love. When you're in love
You accept them for who they are. You have to if you love them. You adore the person they are and you kind of don't want to forget them
Maybe it will take time. Maybe you'll never fully get over them even. Love can be a hard feeling to push aside. If you accept reality, and accept everything for how it is, then it can help you move on at least.

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