Most of us have experienced a loss of some kind. For me losing something makes me automatically tighten my grip on the things I still have. But what I have found is that when it’s time for something to leave my life, it is so hard to loosen my grip and let it go. I have had to “let go” of pretty much everything lately. So here is my thought…. What if we don’t hold things tightly or with a closed hand? What if we just held our hands out open palmed? Then what landed in our lives would be what was meant to be and when something took flight because it was time for it to leave, there would be no fight to “let go”. Maybe we should freely allow the ebb and flow of life to bring things and take things at will. It doesn’t mean that we can’t hold things precious; it just means that we are to let it live freely in our palm of life and enjoy its presence while it is there and when it leaves, trust that something else will come along and take its place. It may not look the same, but it will serve the same purpose. ~ Me
Very beautiful, brought a tear to my heart. your cousin Teri