Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Storm is like a Lover

A storm is coming, and as I wait, it reminds me of a lover,
Unpredictable, and wild, never knowing how it’s going to go.
I love looking at the storm, how it consumes me, how it intrigues me,
The smell of the rain reminds me of the smell of his skin
The soft whisper of the wind sounds like his soft sweet voice, whispering in my ear.
And how the lightning lights up the eye of the sky,
And the thunder in his kiss,
The cool breeze feels like the cool chills all over my body, with each soft touch of his fingers.
Not knowing when the storm is going to end, wanting it to last through out the night,
But the storm is only here for a moment and that in the morning he will be gone,
So I wait, wondering when the storm will come around again.


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