Monday, February 7, 2011

Out of sight out of mind

The meaning of absence makes the heart grow fonder, or out of sight out of mind.
When I think about it, it makes me wonder, has everyone been both, I know I have been a “heart grows fonder” to some and I am defiantly an “out of sight out of mind” to at least one. But think about it,, how sad is that,  that you could be a “ out of sight out of mind” because at one time or another, you were to that person someone special, someone they thought of and wanted to be near, and now you’re their “ out of mind” when I think back to the ones that has been in my heart one time or another, I still, from time to time think about them, so I guess, even though they may be “ out of sight” these people that I have at one time  put them in my heart, will never be a “ out of mind” there should be another saying for these people,, the ones you loved, cared about, thought of on a regular bases ,but maybe just don’t see anymore, for one reason or another,,  but to be “ out of sight out of mind” well I guess it depends on who you are and what kind of character you are. That you could put someone in that category. The thing to think about is this, you may have someone that is your “out of sight out of mind” but you may be their “absence makes the heart grow fonder”. so before you just forget people that at one time you wanted, just think you could be someone’s “ out of sight out of mind” when they are your “ absence makes the heart grow fonder”

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